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Website vs Blog | Key Differences and Similarities

Website vs Blog | Key Differences and Similarities

A website and blog are the same and built with the same software with certain similarities, but what makes them different? This question could easily confuse a beginner because both have nearly identical meanings. So, it’s pretty obvious to get confused about it. And of course, you are! That’s why you have landed up here. […]

Top 10 Commonly Used Types Of Websites

Top 10 Commonly Used Types Of Websites

Planning to create a website, but not sure which one you should use as there are several types of websites available to choose from? here are the top 10 commonly used websites and Too good to have it. Well, we appreciate your search for this because having knowledge of which website type you should create […]

How To Transfer Domain Name Of Website Step By Step Guide

How To Transfer Domain Name Of Website | Step By Step Guide

Some issues occurred, and a question will ponder into your mind, how can I transfer the domain? Is it possible or not?

Web Designer vs Web Developer

Web Designer Vs Web Developer | The Future Lies In?

Often, people use web designer and developer interchangeably which is not quite right. Moreover, in early days the simple concept and comparison of web designer vs web developer were known as; designers desing and developers develop. But, in today’s digital era this needs to be get answered more comprehensively. Whether you want to make a […]

Webflow vs WordPress | What is Better for You?

Webflow vs WordPress | What is Better for You?

It’s up to you to make a wise choice on which one you will choose to create a website, Webflow vs WordPress

Top 6 Web Developer Soft Skills & Hard Skills in 2024

Top 6 Web Developer Soft Skills & Hard Skills in 2024

In recent years, web development has emerged as one of the most in-demand careers. A web developer plans, constructs, and maintains websites. They combine technical and creative abilities to build intuitive and visually appealing online applications. That said, it is essential for developers to acquire knowledge about various areas of the web development environment. In […]

How to choose a domain name | All the dos and don’ts

How To Choose a Domain Name | All the dos and don’ts

Choosing the right domain name that resonates with your brand needs is essential because your domain name is your brand name. That’s why you cannot take it for granted. You have to take it seriously and think carefully about which will suit your business and which one you should get. Some people get confused easily […]

Top Website Design Skills to Be a Better Web Developer in 2024

Top Website Design Skills to Be a Better Web Developer in 2024

In the field of web development, things are constantly changing. The global pandemic may have prompted the industry to become one of the most popular, but it’s not going away anytime soon. Due to this, we decided to compile a list of essential skills with which every web developer should be equipped. In this simple […]

TIps to Block Adult websites from Your Phone

How to block adults websites on my phone permanently | Step by Step Guide

Adult websites can be a harmful influence on children and young adults. They can expose them to pornography, violence, and other inappropriate content. If you are concerned about your child’s safety online, you may want to block adult websites on their phone. There is a theory that it is in human nature when the internet […]

How to Creating a Website in 5 Simple Steps [Updated 2024]

How to Creating a Website in 5 Simple Steps [Updated 2024]

A website or Blog is the Most favorite Source Of Passive Income nowadays everyone wants to own a site SO 5 Simple Steps to Create a site….